Citizen Science for Air Quality: Dr. Erin Haynes

  • When: Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 7:00-8:30 PM
  • Where: Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618
  • Community-Academic Partnerships to Address Industrial and Hydrofracking Emissions in Ohio. Dr. Erin Haynes is from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Environmental Health.
    This talk will provide an overview of research conducted by a team of community members and academic scientists in eastern Ohio.-Residents partnered with University of Cincinnati researchers to address concerns about manganese exposure from a ferromanganese refinery.  The research partnership expanded to include potential exposures from the rapidly growing oil and gas industry.  Residents and scientists are using simple wristbands to measure exposure to airborne chemicals.  Dr. Haynes will discuss how the partnership started, community engagement in the research, expansion to include other environmental exposures, and novel approaches to air quality monitoring.
    Free and open to the public, all invited. Questions? Sponsored by the University of Rochester Environmental Health Sciences Center’s Community Outreach and Engagement Core.