Green Tips

72 posts

How Can You Save On Gas?

In addition to riding the bus, biking, walking, carpooling, telecommuting, and combining trips, consider the following actions: If your family has more than one vehicle, the person driving the furthest should drive the more fuel-efficient vehicle. Rid your car of unnecessary weight: every extra 100 lbs loses 1% fuel efficiency. […]

Computer Recycling

Goodwill and Dell have teamed up to provide locations to recycle all your old computer equipment, printers, monitors, etc. for free. Just take them to your local Goodwill store. Learn more on the Dell Reconnect website. What you need to know: This program is FREE. Any brand computer is eligible […]

Cork Recycling

Save your wine and champagne corks—extend their life! Yemm & Hart, a recycled building materials supply company, is collecting wine cork stoppers with the goal of converting them into a useful self-sustaining product. Their goal is to extend the useful life of this natural resource for decades and to raise […]

Sneaker Recycling

Give new life to those old, beat up sneakers! Nike’s Reuse-a-Shoe program turns worn-out athletic shoes of any brand into Nike Grind, a material used in sport tracks, courts and playgrounds. Please note: Only athletic shoes such as running shoes, sneakers, etc. Sneakers cannot contain any metal (grommets, eyelets, zippers, […]