Green Initiatives

75 posts

Renewable Electricity with CCA What’s Next

With 100% renewable electricity now is our opportunity to expand our lifestyle to include low carbon transportation and high-efficient home heating and cooling. The technology is available, achievable, and affordable. Curious about electric vehicles? Is the ancient basement furnace reaching end of life? Considering Geothermal or an air-sourced heat-pump? It […]

Carbon Friendly Food Gardening

This is a guest post from Patty Love at This is from a presentation given via zoom meeting Have you been working on reducing your carbon footprint? Have you thought about where your food comes from? Do you know that one of the most carbon-friendly activities is growing your […]

Ask An Expert About Green Investing

Ward Graham has 30+ years of self-managed stock market investing using “modern portfolio theory” and manages multiple accounts for family and friends. Ward will be at the ColorBrightonGreen Table at the Brighton Farmers’ Market on Sunday, February 16, 2020 from 1 to 4 PM. The Brighton Farmers’ Market is held […]